Encyclopedia o f Chicago
Historical Source
Historical Source
Honorary Frankie Knuckles Way, 2005

Honorary Frankie Knuckles Way, 2005
Cities have often named and renamed streets in order to memorialize people and events. Jefferson was one of the first streets named in Chicago (in honor of President Thomas Jefferson), as it was at the western edge of the James Thompson's 1830 plat. In the 1990s, with street names in Chicago long fixed, the city began erecting "honorary" street signs on segments of streets to honor people or events significant to some nearby constituents. In a city dominated by a strong mayor, this was one of the few areas in which aldermen could act with unquestioned independence. In August 2004 Jefferson Street between Monroe and Van Buren became honorary "The Godfather of House Music" Frankie Knuckles Way, near the site of the Warehouse, a club where Knuckles was DJ between 1977 and 1982.